Schwarzbeck VHBB 9124 Antenna Holder / Balun for Bicon. Broad Band Antenna


Schwarzbeck VHBB 9124 Antenna Holder / Balun
Schwarzbeck VHBB 9124 Antenna Holder / Balun DatasheetSchwarzbeck VHBB 9124 Antenna Holder / Balun Datasheet English Version   
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The Antenna Holder / Balun with cascadedmatching baluns is primarily designed forthe use with biconical elements such asBBA 9106 or BBAL 9136. It may also beused with rod elements as a dipole withimproved bandwidth.The VHBB 9124 Balun provides anextraordinary degree of symmetry (commonmode rejection), especially at the lowfrequency end (20 to 40 MHz), whereotherwise lack of symmetry with cable braidcurrent may cause severe error.Biconical antennas are generallymismatched at low frequencies and shownegative gain. The worldwide populardipole VHA 9103 with BBA 9106 biconesprovides at 30 MHz an antenna factor of 19dB/m. The same biconical elements in this200:50 Ω VHBB-Balun is 5 dB better in gainand shows a “more sensitive” antennafactor of 14 dB/m.