Narda EFC-400 Software per Campi Elettromagnetici

EFC-400 calculates electromagnetic fields using a practically unlimited number of network elements such as conductors, line segments, buildings, and antennas. The software features fast computing speed, ease of use, and efficiency. Users can create all the needed network elements themselves or import them. The software puts all the elements together with the simulation result in an easily interpreted graphic display.

Narda EFC-400 Software per Campi Elettromagnetici
Narda EFC-400 Software per Campi Elettromagnetici DatasheetNarda EFC-400 Software per Campi Elettromagnetici English Version Datasheet   
Richiedi Informazioni

Product features

  • Automatic calculation of earth wire currents
  • Move, rotate, insert geometric data
  • Library of masts
  • Cable temperature taken into account
  • 2D isoline diagrams
  • 3D surface diagrams


  • Number of conductors: max. 2,000,000
  • Power supply lines: max. 100
  • Masts: max. 1000
  • Number of buildings: max. 200,000