Signaltec TPSII Sistema Trasduttore di Corrente Multicanale

  • Modular system for up to six transducer power supply channels
  • Galvanic separation between channels
  • Standard transducer status readout interface
  • Supply voltagefor active burden modules
  • 19”-rack mountable device

Signaltec TPSII Sistema Trasduttore di Corrente Multicanale
Signaltec TPSII Sistema Trasduttore di Corrente Multicanale DatasheetSignaltec TPSII Sistema Trasduttore di Corrente Multicanale Datasheet English Version    
Richiedi Informazioni

Transducers with rms-rangeNewer LEM transducer types of the IT xx5-S series and the IN series are specified for a maximum rms-range.