Narda SRM-3006 Selective Radiation Meter

Frequency selective hand held field strength measuring system for rapid and reliable safety assessments with e.g. separate recording of mobile communications channels of different providers and worst case evaluation through decoding of control signals in UMTS and LTE.
SRM-3006 has become established as the standard instrument for these tasks. It provides the user with automatic evaluations taking various human safety standards into account directly in the instrument, together with a specified overall measurement uncertainty, making error-prone and complicated calculations unnecessary.

Narda SRM-3006 Selective Radiation Meter
Narda SRM-3006 Selective Radiation Meter DatasheetNarda SRM-3006 Selective Radiation Meter English Version Datasheet    
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Product features

  • Wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz
  • Single and three axis (isotropic) antennas
  • Highest physically possible measurement dynamic range
  • Fine tuning of measurement range in 1 dB steps
  • Irradiation proof up to 200 V/m
  • Specified overall measurement uncertainty saves calculations
  • Evaluation functions built in
  • Resolution bandwidths (RBW) up to 32 MHz for evaluation of the latest mobile communications technologies


  • Dimensions: 213 x 297x 77 mm (basic unit)
  • Weight with antenna: 3300 g
  • Color display: TFT-LCD 7 inch, 800 x 480 pixels
  • Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz
  • Temperature range: -10° to +50° C
  • Battery operating time: 3 hours +/- 15 minutes