Yokogawa DLM3000 Oscilloscopio a Segnale Misto

Il DLM3000 si basa sull’eredità dell’oscilloscopio di Yokogawa con nuove funzionalità incentrate sulla qualità, la flessibilità e l’usabilità per aumentare la produttività degli utenti e soddisfare le esigenze avanzate dei moderni progetti di meccatronica. Integrando le ultime funzionalità del touchscreen, della memoria e dell’elaborazione del segnale ad alta velocità, il dispositivo DLM3000 migliora la produttività fornendo segnali puliti, elaborazione estesa e facilità di utilizzo. L’oscilloscopio touchscreen DLM3000 offre produttività a portata di mano.

Yokogawa DLM3000 Oscilloscopi a Segnali Misti
Yokogawa DLM3000 Oscilloscopi a Segnali Misti BrochureYokogawa DLM3000 Oscilloscopi a Segnali Misti Brochure Brochure Inglese   
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Yokogawa is committed to measurement quality, and the DLM3000 features lower residual noise, extensive voltage ranges and a variety of real-time lowpass filters to ensure the fidelity of your signals.


Channel count and memory depth options combined with optional Power Math and serial bus features including major automotive buses ensure an oscilloscope can be configured for a variety of needs.


The combination of a touchscreen with a traditional panel of oscilloscope controls allows users to seamlessly transition, while communication and storage options make it easy to access large data sets.


Observe fine details captured by the completely redesigned analog front end, offering lower volts per division settings down to 500 μV/div and lower residual noise. Select one of 14 real-time low pass filters to reduce noise displayed on-screen and stored in memory. Four-channel models include a selectable 8 bits of digital input for capturing mixed signals. Push a single button to change channel four into an 8-bit digital analysis channel for a total 11-channel mixed-signal oscilloscope.


Long memory is standard with 12.5 Mpoints (repeating acquisition) or 125 M (single interleave) to capture cause and effect relationships. Options up to 50 M / 500 Mpoints are available. Choose a 2-channel or 4-channel model to meet your technical and budgetary needs. Select from 200, 350, or 500 MHz bandwidth to capture the fast transients of your systems. Add Power Supply Analysis or Serial Bus options to get more done inside the instrument without the added step of an external PC.


Gigabit Ethernet and USB 3.0 data transfers are standard, making it easier to work with large data sets. Optional internal 60 GB SSD stores more waveforms than ever. The faster internal communication rates enable higher memory and faster update rates so you never miss a signal. Switch seamlessly between tapping, pinching and dragging the touchscreen or using the precise, tactile hardware controls so you can personalize the interaction that’s best for you.